Locations mapped with Shopify

In order to ensure that your E-commerce site displays accurate stock quantity information, it is important to map the locations added in Shopify to Sqquid's corresponding locations.

By doing so, you can ensure that your customers have visibility into the correct stock quantities in each store, which can help to avoid confusion and prevent lost sales due to inventory discrepancies.

Here's how to map the locations in your E-commerce channel:

First, navigate to your channel settings and add the locations in the locations section.

In order to ensure that your locations are properly mapped in your Sqquid and Shopify accounts, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the "LOCATIONS" section on the left-hand sidebar of your Sqquid account.
  2. Click the "Add locations" button to add the necessary number of locations that need to be mapped with the ones added in Shopify.

    Remember to ensure that the same locations are added in both accounts.

Locations must then be manually mapped to your eCommerce channel, for this you need to:

  1. Go to Channels and click Edit in your Shopify account.
  2. Scroll down until you can see the following information:

  1. By enabling the toggle, you can start mapping locations sites between Sqquid and your eCommerce account one by one.

  1. When all locations have been assigned, a green warning message will appear that says: "All Sqquid locations are assigned."

If a new location is added, remember to follow the same steps so you can receive the correct stock information in your Shopify account.

...Last, but not least:

If you have any comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate and contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.