How do I set Sqquid to not override any product data after the product is initially created?

After the product is created in your Shopify, you can update the product details such as the title, description, and tags directly in your store. This allows you to make changes to your products without having to go through our system.

As for example images. while we are capable of receiving and processing most product information, our system currently does not support receiving images from your POS system. However, you can easily update your product images directly in your Shopify store.

How can I change the settings to prevent Sqquid from overriding the changes?

You need to update the outgoing update features.

Please follow the steps bellow:

  1. Go to Channels section on the left sidebar in your Sqquid account.
  2. Click on 'Edit' in your active<Shopify Channel>
  3. Scroll down until you can see this information:

  1. The important column is the OUTGOING UPDATE, if you still want to receive updates from Sqquid that overrides changes made in Shopify, leave the toggle enabled.

For example, in Price and Sale Price cases we recommend to leave enabled so you can receive any change made it in your POS system.

A different case is Title, where you can leave the toggle disabled so you can update the product title to one more accurate your product specifications.

This will allow you to manually update your product information in Shopify without worrying about SQUID overwriting your changes. By following these steps, you can ensure that your products are accurately displayed in your ecommerce store.

...Last, but not least:

If you have any comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate and contact us and we'll get back to you ASAP.